“Therapy is a means of discovering your true self, needs, and desires and then practicing strategies to share the discovery with others.”
Where I get lighter: It’s the place where I take a big breath and just let whatever is on my mind come out. I always leave the session feeling different than when I came in, lighter.
Having a mentor: I wish I would’ve gone to therapy a long time ago, I suffered a lot unnecessarily trying to push through my problems without a mentor.
Connection: People say running is therapy, or some other activity is therapy. Therapy is way more than that, it’s a connection to another human who is there just for you and can hold anything you put out there and help you with it without judgment.
Where I can’t hide: I always look forward to my therapy sessions, although sometimes I feel nervous because I know I have to face my true thoughts and feelings. It’s one place where I can’t hide from myself.
A resource: I get a different perspective that helps me understand things in new ways. I enjoy reading recommended books, and putting techniques into play that really do make a difference.
Time for me: This is one hour of self care where it’s all about me. I don’t have to take care of anyone else.
Spiritual: I fancy my therapist as a person who helps me develop spiritually as well as mentally and physically. They all go together.
A relationship: Being in a relationship with my therapist has shown me how to be interdependent with someone, how to have boundaries, and how to rely on someone with great trust. It is such a unique kind of partnership that helps me understand myself by being understood by someone else.